How to Set a Custom 404 Page

Video Tutorial:


A 404 error page is what your visitors see when the page they were looking for cannot be found. Instead of the default browser 404 page, it's easy to set your own.

  1. Create your 404 page inside the domain you want to see it on, exactly how you would a normal page. Click here to find out how.
  2. In the Dashboard, click Account. Click Domains in the left hand menu.
  3. Scroll to the domain you want to set the 404 for, and click More.
  4. Click the 404 Page tab. Select the funnel your 404 page is in, then the 404 page you created. Or, click to use Convertri's default page.
  5. Click Confirm.

If successful, your new 404 page will be published immediately.

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