Adding Domains to Sub-Accounts
Adding domains within your sub-accounts is similar in a lot of ways to adding a domain to your main account but there are some key differences:
- You are unable to move the domains in your main account into your sub-account(s). You will need to contact if you mistakenly do this and need assistance.
- You will need to add domains to your sub-accounts, your clients do not have access to add domains.
NOTE: You need an agency-level account to use sub-accounts. If you wish to learn more about this, please contact
- To add a domain to a sub-account:
- Go to your Account dashboard and from the left-hand menu select Sub-accounts.
- Switch to the sub-account where you wish to add the domain for your client.
- Go to the Account dashboard and select Domains from the left-hand menu.
- Here you will see the domains screen, which is identical to the one you will see within your main account.
From here you can follow the steps to add domains as you normally would. The start of the following walkthroughs will tell you to go to your main account dashboard, but you need to remain within the sub-accounts dashboard, so ignore these steps and focus on the steps starting at the domain dashboard.
For adding custom domains, go here.
For adding .convertri subdomains, go here.
Now you have your domain added within the sub-account, and your client will be able to use this domain, or you can go into the account and use it yourself.