Head Scripts vs Body Scripts

Video Tutorial:


When you add a script, you have the option to either add it as a Body or a Head script. This might confuse you if the script doesn’t come with instructions as to where to place it.

Traditionally, your most important scripts, such as analytics scripts, would be placed in the head and the rest in the body. This was because head scripts are run before body scripts and so if your page was very slow loading, you wanted to make sure your most important scripts loaded first. But there’s no need to worry about this with Convertri due to our pages blisteringly fast loading speed. 

All of your scripts are going to get loaded anyway, so don’t worry where you put the script, it won’t matter!

To edit whether a script is in the body or head with a new script:
1.  Click on the page/account/funnel/domain where you wish to add the script. For more details on adding scripts click here.
2. Navigate to the Script option. Click the blue ‘Add Script’ button. The Add Script dialogue below will open:

3. You will see there are two options under Script Position, Head and Body. Use the checkbox to toggle the option you wish to use to ‘ON’.
4. Once you are happy with this, click Save.

If you wish to edit a script you have already added so that it runs on page load:

Go to where you have added the script within Convertri. When you have found the script you wish to change, click the pencil icon to edit it. The Edit script dialogue will open. Just below the script description, toggle ON ‘Run on page load’. Once you are happy with this, click Save.

If you wish to edit a script you have already added so that it will not be run until permission is given:

Go to where you have added the script within Convertri. When you have found the script you wish to change, click the pencil icon to edit it. The Edit script dialogue will open. Just below the toggle Run on page load, Toggle ON ‘Require Consent’. This option is now available at the page, account, domain, and funnel levels. 

If the cookie consent footer is enabled on the domain using this script, this script will not be run until permission is given.

NOTE: To get this feature working, ‘Run on page load’ must be toggled ON.

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