Custom Webhooks Reference


If you code your own webhooks, you may find this guide to custom webhook field descriptions handy.

Supported Webhooks

  • Sale - sent after a regular or a recurring product has been purchased;
  • Rebill - sent after a recurring product's next payment date has passed. The Rebill webhook is fired even if no charge happens (for example, for a product with 2 free trial periods);
  • Rebill Cancellation - sent after recurring payments on an order have been cancelled. The Rebill Cancellation webhook is fired only if the order has any recurrent payments left;
  • Refund - sent after a payment has been refunded. The Refund webhook is not fired for products that haven't been paid for (for example, recurring products with a free trial period while the trial period is in effect).
  • Lead Capture - sent after form submission. The lead capture webhooks aren’t fired unless you configure the webhook URL on the page.
  • Tracking data - UTM tag data, FB Click ID and Google Click ID are sent with the webhook payload.

Webhook Payload

All of the following fields are present in every webhook message, but some may be empty:

Field Name
ccurrency Currency of charge 3 uppercase letters, ISO 4217
ccustcc Customer country Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustemail Customer email Email
ccustname Customer name Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccuststate Customer state Alphanumeric, no specific format
cproditem Convertri product ID UUID
 ccusttitle Customer title Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustfirstName Customer first name
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustlastName Customer last name
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustmiddleNames Customer middle names
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustphone Customer phone
ccustaddress Customer address
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustaddress2 Customer address2
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustcity Customer city
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustzipCode Customer zipCode

ccustshippingAddress Customer shipping address
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustshippingAddress2 Customer shipping address2
Alphanumeric, no specific format
cshippingamount Amount charged for shipping a product in pennies ($10.00 = 1000). Please note that this may be zero in case of free shipping.
ccustshippingCity Customer shipping city
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustshippingState Customer shipping state
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustshippingCountry Customer shipping country
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustshippingZipCode Customer shipping zip code

ccustwebsite Customer website
Alphanumeric, no specific format
ccustnotes Customer notes
Alphanumeric, no specific format
cprodtitle Product name
Alphanumeric, no specific format
corderid Order ID in Convertri
cordermode Checkout mode used for making order
Literal value:
live - when Live mode is selected, live keys for Stripe or Paypal are used
test - when Test mode is selected, test keys for Stripe or Paypal Sandbox are used
cquantity number
cprodtype Product type (recurring or not) Literal value:
  • RECURRING - for recurring products
  • STANDARD - otherwise
ctaxamount Amount charged for tax for a product purchase in pennies ($10.00 = 1000).Please note that this may be zero in case of a 

free trial.

ctransaction Transaction type Literal value:
  • SALE - product purchase
  • BILL - recurring product rebill
  • CANCEL-REBILL - cancellation of
    recurring payments on a product
  • RFND - product payment refund
ctransamount Amount charged for a product in pennies ($10.00 = 1000).Please note that this may be zero in case of a 

free trial.

ctranspaymentmethod Payment method selected by the customer Literal value:
ctransreceipt Convertri order product ID UUID
ctranstime Unix timestamp transaction occured at (in seconds) Timestamp
cverify Transaction verification signature Alphanumeric, 8 characters
ip IP address of a customer at the moment of checkout
fbp Facebook pixel ID parameter value must be of the form version.subdomainIndex.
for details.
fbclid Facebook click ID parameter value must be of the form version.subdomainIndex.creationTime.fbclid
for details.
gclid Google click ID See
utm_campaign Convertri Analytics utm_campaign utm_campaign value
utm_source Convertri Analytics utm_source utm_source value
utm_medium Convertri Analytics utm_medium utm_medium value
utm_content Convertri Analytics utm_content utm_content value
utm_term Convertri Analytics utm_term utm_term value
cprodvar1 First variant category as set up in the product *** Alphanumeric, no specific format
cprodvar2 Second variant category as set up in the product *** Alphanumeric, no specific format
cprodvar3 Third variant category as set up in the product *** Alphanumeric, no specific format

NOTE: Convertri takes the values of the tracking fields from the query string on checkout or opt-in page.

*** When sending variant data for a product it follows the product webhook standard for sending fields if they are empty.

Verifying Webhooks Received From Convertri

The 'cverify' field is generated from a combination of your webhook secret key, the webhook payload and a crytographic function. It allows you to check that:

  1. The webhook genuinely came from Convertri.
  2. None of the information in the payload has been tampered with.

To verify the webhook you've received, you'll need to generate your own 8-character verification code and compare it with the 'cverify' included in the webhook payload. 

To create the verification code:

  1. Remove the 'cverify' key and its value from the request payload.
  2. Alphabetically sort the remaining payload by key name.
  3. Combine the values of the remaining payload into one long string with a pipe "|" character between each value (e.g. yours will be a lot longer, but something like "USD||1d5132c2-18d2-4b24-9d1b-83c21fd49789").
  4. At the end of the long string, append another pipe "|" followed by your secret key.
  5. Ensure that the string is UTF-8 encoded.
  6. Hash the string using SHA-1.
  7. Change the first 8 characters of the resulting hash to uppercase.

Those first 8 uppercase characters should now match the 'cverify' that was included in the webhook payload.

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