How to Apply Actions and Events to Container Elements



Placing elements in a container makes it easy to apply actions and events to the whole group. Here’s how to do it:

  1. In the Page Builder, drag a Panel element onto your page. This will act as your container, and you can choose to make it semi or fully transparent in the Properties panel.
  2. Next, drag over the elements you want inside your container.

  3. Make sure all element boundaries are within your container panel. You can use the Send Backward and Send Forward buttons in the Quick Actions toolbar to make sure everything is on top, and within the panel.

  4. Select the container panel, and go to Element Properties > General Properties to enter a name for it.

  5. You can now target the container panel for actions and events at page, layer and element level. Just choose its name from the Target dropdown, and toggle Include Contained Elements to On.

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