Need Domain Support?

Got an issue, no problem!

Convertri isn’t perfect, sometimes you will need a helping hand. Domains can be tricky, as there are a lot of options and at times can feel more technical and complicated than the rest of the site.

Contact and we can help you out. If it’s a general question, just shoot us an email with what you are trying to achieve and we’ll help out.

If this is a specific problem you are struggling with, please include your Convertri login email and the domain/subdomain that you are having the issue with, in the email.  Once we have that information we will be able to look into it for you.

If this is a CNAME issue, please also send us the name of your registrar and the domain name you are using.  Also, sending us a screenshot of how you have entered your information in your registrar's settings is helpful, since we are unable to view your registrar's account settings.

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