Icons Overview



What Are Icons?

Convertri has a library of icons for your use, which has been provided by Material Design from Google. Icons are symbols which you can add to your page whose meanings will be widely understood by your users. For example, adding a mobile phone symbol to your page is understood that this is where to find the phone number for your business.

How To Add Icons?

Adding icons to your Convertri page is easy!

1. Go to the page editor for the page you wish to add an Icon to.

2. Go to the Elements Tray and select the More Elements option.

3. A list of further options will come up, the third of which says Icon and has a star symbol next to it. 

4. If you select this, the Icon Gallery will appear which allows you to browse all the Icons which Convertri has to offer. There are four types of Icon Sets: Filled, Outlined, Rounded, Sharp and Social. These all contain the same basic symbols but they are all a little different depending on the look of icon you desire.

5. Once you have had a look around and have found an icon which takes your fancy, select the icon and a blue Insert button will appear in the Icon Gallery pop-up. Select this.

6.The icon will now appear on your page and you are able to move it around and resize it like any other element. This includes deleting the icon, so if you wish to delete it, you can click the bin icon which appears in the top toolbar when the icon is selected.

How To Edit Icons?

Once you have added an icon, you can change its colour or swap it out for another icon in the Icon Gallery. 

1. Select the Element Properties of the icon you wish to edit. 

2. You will see that Icon Properties is the first option within Element Properties, so select this. 

3. In here are two options, to change the icon or to edit its colour. First, is the option to change the icon. 

4. You will be able to see the icon’s name and next to this, a blue Change button. Select this and the Icon Gallery will reappear. Here you can browse for a new icon and select Insert to replace the old icon with the new one.

5. The second option is the icon colour. Selecting the square which is the current colour of the icon will open the colour picker and allow you to browse a new colour for your icon. Just choose whichever one you like and then select the blue Select button to change the icon’s colour.

And there you have it! Everything you need to know about how to get started with Convertri’s icon feature. 

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