5. How To Delete An Element



Deleting elements in Convertri is easy.

To delete an element:

  1. Select the element that you wish to delete.
  2. Click the ‘delete selected’ icon on the top toolbar.


  1. Select the element that you wish to delete. 
  2. Click the ‘delete’ key on your keyboard.

To hide an element:

If you don’t want to delete an element but simply hide it, toggle the dropdown menu on the delete button.

The dropdown menu has 2 more options besides Delete:

Hide on mobile - Hide an item on Mobile that you can see on desktop, instead of deleting the item you mobile. 

Hide on desktop - Hide an item on Desktop that you can see on mobile, instead of deleting the item on desktop.

NOTEHide on mobile can only be used on the mobile view, and Hide on desktop can only be used on desktop view.

Tags: remove element, hide element

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