5. How To Delete An Element
Deleting elements in Convertri is easy.
To delete an element:
- Select the element that you wish to delete.
- Click the ‘delete selected’ icon on the top toolbar.
- Select the element that you wish to delete.
- Click the ‘delete’ key on your keyboard.
To hide an element:
If you don’t want to delete an element but simply hide it, toggle the dropdown menu on the delete button.
The dropdown menu has 2 more options besides Delete:
Hide on mobile - Hide an item on Mobile that you can see on desktop, instead of deleting the item you mobile.
Hide on desktop - Hide an item on Desktop that you can see on mobile, instead of deleting the item on desktop.
NOTE: Hide on mobile can only be used on the mobile view, and Hide on desktop can only be used on desktop view.
Tags: remove element, hide element