How to Add a Call Now Button

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On mobile, users are able to press a call now button to open up their phone and call a predetermined number. It’s super useful, and you can create them easily in Convertri.

1. In the Page Builder Elements Tray, click on "Form Elements" and then select "Button."

2. Select your button, then go to the element properties ‘Button Settings’

3. Select ‘Link’ as button mode, enter tel: followed by the number you want to call in the Link field. For example:


Ignore the "there's no https' warning”: it will work, we promise!

This is usually set for mobile, with your button selected, click to grey out Desktop so that it’s visible only on mobile.

NOTE: Calls can be made on a desktop, however, you will need to connect it to a phone app or link your phone to it.

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