How to Send Autowebinar Emails

[Note: This feature is available on the Pro / Agency / Scale and Maximize Plans. If you need this feature and you would like to upgrade to a different plan please contact us at]

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When you set up an autowebinar, you can create an autoresponder email sequence to let your prospects know when they can watch, what they’ve missed or how to take advantage of special offers. Before you start, you'll need to integrate Sendgrid. Find out how here.

  1. In the Dashboard, click Autowebinars in the left hand menu. Create a new autowebinar, or click to edit an existing one.
  2. Before you can write your emails, you need to click Settings in the left hand menu, and enter a “from” email address and name. Click Save.
  3. Click the Emails option in the left hand menu, which will now be available.

You can create emails that send to all signups after the webinar has ended, or which send to only those who watched the webinar.

  1. Click Create Email under the category of email you want to send.
  2. Choose the email scheduling options you want from the dropdown. Then, enter your email’s subject line and body, and style your email using the formatting tools.
  3. Click Save.

Your email will be sent to autowebinar sign-ups or just the attendees at the scheduled time you specified.

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