Element Alignment



If you want to distribute elements evenly across your page, you’ve got a range of options that are far easier than trying to position everything yourself.

Single elements can only be aligned to the center of the page. To do this:

  1. Click to select the element you want to align.
  2. Click Element Alignment in the top toolbar.
  3. Choose Align to Page Center.

Or, you can position multiple elements in relation to each other. Here’s how:

  1. Select multiple elements you want to align on your page.
  2. Click Element Alignment in the top toolbar.
  3. Choose from the following options:
  • Align to Page Center - aligns all elements to the center of the page.


  • Left Align - aligns all elements to the leftmost element edge.
  • Center Align - aligns all elements to the center of the middle element.
  • Right Align - aligns all elements to the rightmost element edge.
  • Distribute Horizontally (3 or more elements) - distributes elements evenly across the page, left to right.


  • Top Align - aligns all elements to the edge of the topmost element.
  • Middle Align - aligns all elements to the middle.
  • Bottom Align - aligns all elements to the edge of the bottommost element.
  • Distribute Vertically (3 or more elements) - evenly distributes elements across the page, top to bottom.
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